Create a plan of action to mount your TV
On the surface, mounting a television to your wall seems like a fantastic idea. It saves floor space and lifts the screen to where the whole room can easily see it. However, if you start the process without a plan, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Help the process of mounting your TV go much smoother by setting some goals and expectations from the beginning.
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
A great plan of action to mount your TV starts by setting SMART goals.
A plan of action with SMART goals
The objective of setting your SMART goals is to create and follow a plan to successfully mount your TV on the wall. Initially while setting up the main goals, enthusiasm is in full overdrive to achieve results, but then before we know it our goal is now a dream. It is not a surprise that research suggests that 3% percent of the population does not accomplish all their goals. Then the main question is what do the 3 percent do smartly that the 97 percent do not? The answer is surprisingly simple and requires only 2 things.
A plan.
Commitment to making the plan work. Here is how to create a plan to mount your TV on the wall.
Make Sure Your Goals Are S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T. goals provide a specific path to follow and a deadline to achieve.
Your goal of mounting the TV is clearly defined. “I want to have my TV mounted on the wall,” is super vague. “I want to have a new 98-inch Samsung QLED 8K UHD TV installed on the wall with a full-motion mount, have all the low voltage cables concealed inside the wall, and the power outlet relocated before the end of the week” is more specific. Do not be vague, if you never have installed a TV why do you think you know everything that is needed to professionally mount it?
To make the goal measurable you need to specifically quantify your goal so you know you achieved it. Count everything that is needed, a measurable goal when wall mounting a TV is knowing all the required information and then following every single step recommended.
An attainable goal is a realistic goal. Do not set yourself up for failure by trying to install the TV the wrong way. Do not daydream, why would you want to install a TV when you do not even have a technical background or all tools?
The relevant goal of mounting a TV on the wall should fit within your ultimate plans in life. Do what matters, it is easy to think we save money by doing it ourselves. But, do you have to mount the TV instead of spending the weekend with your loved ones?
Set a timetable to install everything needed for your TV to be mounted on the wall. Recommendation, it is not recommended to spend more than one day on a TV mounting project.
Set milestones to work backward
Yes, it is a big goal! but work backward to set milestones and you will complete the whole project faster. Create small goals that move you to take action and accomplish the big goal. Do not procrastinate because you think you have time. For example:
If it is your goal to install the TV above the fireplace in 3 days, create small goals of how much you need to get done on day one and then on day four. You will know right away if you are falling behind when it is one week and you are still looking for the best online deal.
Determine what is required for your action plan
Be very specific on what it takes to achieve all your mini and big goals within the time frame. Using the TV above the fireplace goal example, to safely install it, you need to follow the National Electric Code.
In this step
You want to determine what type of materials are the ones approved for your type of installation. What is the proper height to mount a TV over the fireplace so the heat does not damage the screen? Are the HDMI cables rated to be inside the wall? Think about all of the devices you will need to connect such as the cable box, Bluray player, audio receiver, speakers, and remote control.
Make sure that your shelving unit or cabinet has enough space to hold everything. Are the cables for the devices you plan to connect rated for the type of installation and are they long enough? Also, consider the place where you want the TV mounted.
How is the ambiance lighting? Will the wall support the TV?
What is the best height when you choose a place for the TV?
Is the TV mount rated to hold the weight of your television set?
Does your TV need a particular wall mount that only the manufacturer sells?
What are the dimensions of the TV?
What are the weight and size prohibitions of the TV bracket?
Is the TV compatible with the TV mount you are planning to purchase?
Are you planning to fit the mount into a small space or custom-built cabinetry?
Will you have to move the TV often?
Will the television be positioned at an angle?
What actions are required to achieve your goals?
Which actions do you need to follow through to achieve your plan of action and mount your TV?
For example,
if you need to make 3 trips to the hardware store, what actions do you need to take to find all the materials?
If you need to find an av equipment rack that is not sold at the hardware store, what actions will it take to find which store has it?
When mounting a TV, the task in this section usually involves identifying opportunity costs. However, it also involves not breaking the TV, not hurting your lower back when lifting and the TV. Not breaking water pipes when running cables inside the wall or burning the house since you are not an electrician.
Put your actions in your schedule
When you complete all of the recommended actions, you should have a to-do list of tasks to finish the TV installation.
Make a daily plan
Finally, it is time now to put all of the tasks into your schedule by making a daily plan. These are the tasks you do each day that gets you closer to finishing the TV install project. If you are working 40 hours a week, commuting 8 hours a week, doing laundry, buying groceries, having a social life, exercising regularly, and going to church on Sundays. It can be extremely challenging to add additional chores to your daily routine, but it’s crucial to achieving your goals. One wise way to make it all work is to learn how to efficiently manage your time, so your plan of action stays firm.
Follow through with the action plan
Have a Daily Schedule
Once you have followed all of our recommendations, it is highly recommended to have a daily schedule and small goals to aim for during the process of working on your main goal.
Follow the schedule
The next step is to follow your schedule. Do the daily tasks you think you can do and when you feel like things are not going as planned, find a way to keep yourself motivated.
Consistency is key
It may seem like a no-brainer but most people stay short of their goals because they are not disciplined enough to do the work on a regular and consistent basis.
Do bot be a quitter
It is all about perseverance. In most cases, the plan does not fail, people simply quit.
Keep track of the results
It is a fundamental step to keep track of your accomplishments and results. Set aside time to evaluate how well your plan is working, and make changes if you do not make the progress you want.
Work on getting the action plan done
The true test of whether or not you will succeed in mounting your TV is not only by having a good plan but working hard on your plan. Many would-be TV installers get the point that they have a plan, but then do not follow through on it. Focused on your goals, celebrate the small successes, and always keep your eye on finalizing the TV installation.
Execute your plan of action to mount the TV
Elaborating on a plan of action is key to successfully mounting a TV however executing it always is the most difficult part. This very extensive guide contains everything you need to know when mounting a TV.
Create a plan of action to mount your TV.
On the surface, mounting a television to your wall seems like a fantastic idea. It saves floor space and lifts the screen to where the whole room can easily see it. However, if you start the process without a plan, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Help the process of mounting your TV go much smoother by setting some goals and expectations from the beginning.
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
A great plan of action to mount your TV starts by setting SMART goals.
A Plan of Action with SMART Goals
The objective of setting your SMART goals is to create and follow a plan to successfully mount your TV on the wall. Initially while setting up the main goals, enthusiasm is in full overdrive to achieve results, but then before we know it our goal is now a dream. It is not a surprise that research suggests that 3% percent of the population does not accomplish all their goals. Then the main question is what do the 3 percent do smartly that the 97 percent do not? The answer is surprisingly simple and requires only 2 things.
A plan.
Commitment to making the plan work. Here is how to create a plan to mount your TV on the wall.
Make Sure Your Goals Are S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T. goals provide a specific path to follow and a deadline to achieve.
Your goal of mounting the TV is clearly defined. “I want to have my TV mounted on the wall,” is super vague. “I want to have a new 98 inch Samsung QLED 8K UHD TV installed on the wall with a full-motion mount, have all the low voltage cables concealed inside the wall, and the power outlet relocated before the end of the week” is more specific. Do not be vague, if you never have installed a TV why do you think you know everything that is needed to professionally mount it?
To make the goal measurable you need to specifically quantify your goal so you know you achieved it. Count everything that is needed, a measurable goal when wall mounting a TV is knowing all the required information and then following every single step recommended.
An attainable goal is a realistic goal. Do not set yourself for failure trying to install the TV the wrong way. Do not daydream, why would you want to install a TV when you do not even have a technical background or all tools?
The relevant goal of mounting a TV on the wall should fit within your ultimate plans in life. Do what matters, it is easy to think we save money by doing it ourselves. But, do you have to mount the TV instead of spending the weekend with your loved ones?
Set a timetable to install everything needed for your TV to be mounted on the wall. Recommendation, it is not recommended to spend more than one day on a TV mounting project.
Set Milestones to Work Backward
Yes, it is a big goal! but work backward to set milestones and you will complete the whole project faster. Create small goals that move you to take action and accomplish the big goal. Do not procrastinate because you think you have time. For example:
If it is your goal to install the TV above the fireplace in 3 days, create small goals of how much you need to get done on day one and then on day four. You will know right away if you are falling behind when it is one week and you are still looking for the best online deal.
Determine What Is Required for Your Action Plan
Be very specific on what it takes to achieve all your mini and big goals within the time frame. Using TV above the fireplace goal example, to safely install it, you need to follow the National Electric Code.
In this step
You want to determine what type of materials are the ones approved for your type of installation. What is the proper height to mount a TV over the fireplace so the heat does not damage the screen? Are the HDMI cables rated to be inside the wall? Think about all of the devices you will need to connect such as the cable box, Bluray player, audio receiver, speakers, and remote control.
Make sure that your shelving unit or cabinet has enough space to hold everything. Are the cables for the devices you plan to connect rated for the type of installation and are they long enough. Also, consider the place where you want the TV mounted.
How is the ambiance lighting? Will the wall support the TV?
What is the best height when you choose a place for the TV?
Is the TV mount rated to hold the weight of your television set?
Does your TV need a particular wall mount that only the manufacturer sells?
What are the dimensions of the TV?
What are the weight and size prohibitions of the TV bracket?
Is the TV compatible with the TV mount you are planning to purchase?
Are you planning to fit the mount into a small space or custom-built cabinetry?
Will you have to move the TV often?
Will the television be positioned within an angle?
What Actions Are Required to Achieve Your Goals
Which actions do you need to follow through to achieve your plan of action and mount your TV?
For example,
if you need to make 3 trips to the hardware store, what actions do you need to take to find all the materials?
If you need to find equipment that is not sold at the hardware store, what actions will it take to find which store has it?
When mounting a TV, the task in this section usually involves identifying opportunity costs. However, it also involves not breaking the TV, not hurting your lower back when lifting and the TV. Not breaking water pipes when running cables inside the wall nor burning the house since you are not an electrician.
Put Your Actions in Your Schedule
When you complete all of the recommended actions, you should have a to-do list of tasks to finish the TV install.
Make a Daily Plan
Finally, it is time now to put all of the tasks into your schedule by making a daily plan. These are the tasks you do each day that gets you closer to finishing the TV install project. If you are working 40 hours a week, commuting 8 hours a week, doing laundry, buying groceries, having a social life, exercising regularly, and going to church on Sundays. It can be extremely challenging to add additional chores to your daily routine, but it’s crucial to achieving your goals. One wise way to make it all work is to learn how to efficiently manage your time, so your plan of action stays firm.
Follow Through the Action Plan
Have a Daily ScheduleOnce you have followed all of our recommendations, it is highly recommended to have a daily schedule and small goals to aim for during the process of working on your main goal.
Follow the Schedule
The next step is to follow your schedule. Do the daily tasks you think you can do and when you feel like things are not going as planned, find a way to keep yourself motivated.
Consistency Is Key
It may seem like a no-brainer but most people stay short of their goals because they are not disciplined enough to do the work on a regular and consistent basis.
Do Not Be a Quitter
It is all about perseverance. In most cases, the plan does not fail, people simply quit.
Keep Track of the Results
It is a fundamental step to keep track of your accomplishments and results. Set aside time to evaluate how well your plan is working, and make changes if you do not make the progress you want.
Work On Getting the Action Plan Done
The true test of whether or not you will succeed in mounting your TV is not only by having a good plan but working hard on your plan. Many would-be TV installers get the point that they have a plan, but then do not follow through on it. Focused on your goals, celebrate the small successes, and always keep your eye on finalizing the TV installation.
Execute Your Plan of Action to Mount the TV
Elaborating on a plan of action is key to successfully mount a TV however executing it always is the most difficult part. This very extensive guide contains everything you need to know when mounting a TV.
Create a plan of action to mount your TV.
On the surface, mounting a television to your wall seems like a fantastic idea. It saves floor space and lifts the screen to where the whole room can easily see it. However, if you start the process without a plan, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Help the process of mounting your TV go much smoother by setting some goals and expectations from the beginning.
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
A great plan of action to mount your TV starts by setting SMART goals.
A Plan of Action with SMART Goals
The objective of setting your SMART goals is to create and follow a plan to successfully mount your TV on the wall. Initially while setting up the main goals, enthusiasm is in full overdrive to achieve results, but then before we know it our goal is now a dream. It is not a surprise that research suggests that 3% percent of the population does not accomplish all their goals. Then the main question is what do the 3 percent do smartly that the 97 percent do not? The answer is surprisingly simple and requires only 2 things.
A plan.
Commitment to making the plan work. Here is how to create a plan to mount your TV on the wall.
Make Sure Your Goals Are S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T. goals provide a specific path to follow and a deadline to achieve.
Your goal of mounting the TV is clearly defined. “I want to have my TV mounted on the wall,” is super vague. “I want to have a new 98 inch Samsung QLED 8K UHD TV installed on the wall with a full-motion mount, have all the low voltage cables concealed inside the wall, and the power outlet relocated before the end of the week” is more specific. Do not be vague, if you never have installed a TV why do you think you know everything that is needed to professionally mount it?
To make the goal measurable you need to specifically quantify your goal so you know you achieved it. Count everything that is needed, a measurable goal when wall mounting a TV is knowing all the required information and then following every single step recommended.
An attainable goal is a realistic goal. Do not set yourself for failure trying to install the TV the wrong way. Do not daydream, why would you want to install a TV when you do not even have a technical background or all tools?
The relevant goal of mounting a TV on the wall should fit within your ultimate plans in life. Do what matters, it is easy to think we save money by doing it ourselves. But, do you have to mount the TV instead of spending the weekend with your loved ones?
Set a timetable to install everything needed for your TV to be mounted on the wall. Recommendation, it is not recommended to spend more than one day on a TV mounting project.
Set Milestones to Work Backward
Yes, it is a big goal! but work backward to set milestones and you will complete the whole project faster. Create small goals that move you to take action and accomplish the big goal. Do not procrastinate because you think you have time. For example:
If it is your goal to install the TV above the fireplace in 3 days, create small goals of how much you need to get done on day one and then on day four. You will know right away if you are falling behind when it is one week and you are still looking for the best online deal.
Determine What Is Required for Your Action Plan
Be very specific on what it takes to achieve all your mini and big goals within the time frame. Using TV above the fireplace goal example, to safely install it, you need to follow the National Electric Code.
In this step
You want to determine what type of materials are the ones approved for your type of installation. What is the proper height to mount a TV over the fireplace so the heat does not damage the screen? Are the HDMI cables rated to be inside the wall? Think about all of the devices you will need to connect such as the cable box, Bluray player, audio receiver, speakers, and remote control.
Make sure that your shelving unit or cabinet has enough space to hold everything. Are the cables for the devices you plan to connect rated for the type of installation and are they long enough. Also, consider the place where you want the TV mounted.
How is the ambiance lighting? Will the wall support the TV?
What is the best height when you choose a place for the TV?
Is the TV mount rated to hold the weight of your television set?
Does your TV need a particular wall mount that only the manufacturer sells?
What are the dimensions of the TV?
What are the weight and size prohibitions of the TV bracket?
Is the TV compatible with the TV mount you are planning to purchase?
Are you planning to fit the mount into a small space or custom-built cabinetry?
Will you have to move the TV often?
Will the television be positioned within an angle?
What Actions Are Required to Achieve Your Goals
Which actions do you need to follow through to achieve your plan of action and mount your TV?
For example,
if you need to make 3 trips to the hardware store, what actions do you need to take to find all the materials?
If you need to find equipment that is not sold at the hardware store, what actions will it take to find which store has it?
When mounting a TV, the task in this section usually involves identifying opportunity costs. However, it also involves not breaking the TV, not hurting your lower back when lifting and the TV. Not breaking water pipes when running cables inside the wall nor burning the house since you are not an electrician.
Put Your Actions in Your Schedule
When you complete all of the recommended actions, you should have a to-do list of tasks to finish the TV install.
Make a Daily Plan
Finally, it is time now to put all of the tasks into your schedule by making a daily plan. These are the tasks you do each day that gets you closer to finishing the TV install project. If you are working 40 hours a week, commuting 8 hours a week, doing laundry, buying groceries, having a social life, exercising regularly, and going to church on Sundays. It can be extremely challenging to add additional chores to your daily routine, but it’s crucial to achieving your goals. One wise way to make it all work is to learn how to efficiently manage your time, so your plan of action stays firm.
Follow Through the Action Plan
Have a Daily ScheduleOnce you have followed all of our recommendations, it is highly recommended to have a daily schedule and small goals to aim for during the process of working on your main goal.
Follow the Schedule
The next step is to follow your schedule. Do the daily tasks you think you can do and when you feel like things are not going as planned, find a way to keep yourself motivated.
Consistency Is Key
It may seem like a no-brainer but most people stay short of their goals because they are not disciplined enough to do the work on a regular and consistent basis.
Do Not Be a Quitter
It is all about perseverance. In most cases, the plan does not fail, people simply quit.
Keep Track of the Results
It is a fundamental step to keep track of your accomplishments and results. Set aside time to evaluate how well your plan is working, and make changes if you do not make the progress you want.
Work On Getting the Action Plan Done
The true test of whether or not you will succeed in mounting your TV is not only by having a good plan but working hard on your plan. Many would-be TV installers get the point that they have a plan, but then do not follow through on it. Focused on your goals, celebrate the small successes, and always keep your eye on finalizing the TV installation.
Execute Your Plan of Action to Mount the TV
Elaborating on a plan of action is key to successfully mount a TV however executing it always is the most difficult part. This very extensive guide contains everything you need to know when mounting a TV.